About Maria
Name: Maria Demérus
Tantra Teacher, Attachment Therapist & Relationship Transformation Coach. Opera Singer. Childbirth Educator & Doula. Absolute nerd in trauma, nervous system regulation, communication and conscious relating.
Certified Tantra Therapist (The Art of Love, Sweden), Sex, Love & Relationship Coach (VITA-Institute of Integrated Sexuality, Los Angeles), Certified Life, Love & Relationship Coach (Life Coach Academy, Sweden), Masters Degree in Music Dramatics (Royal College of Opera, Stockholm), Certified Doula (Föda utan rädsla, Stockholm, Certified Childbirth Educator/Profylax Instructor (Annas Profylax, Stockholm) and much, much more……
What I do in my free time:
As you might have guessed I work with basically all my hobbies and areas of nerdiness, so it’s quite a challenge there to keep the balance between work and free time! Basically the only things that I like to do that I don’t work with is being in nature & cuddling and having cozy time with my children and/or my partner Robin & my closest friends.
“I am absolutely passionate about my work and always experimenting with new ways to merge the knowledge & experience from my past 10 years on this path. I use all my life experience & wisdom, together with the countless tools & techniques from classical & neo tantra, neuro science & psychology, embodiment work, music & arts, gestalt therapy, somatic experience & trauma integration and mysticism to tailor your transformational journey after your needs and preferences.”
Existential Adventure Sweden is :
Maria Demérus
Relationship Transformation Coach, Trauma Informed Attachment Therapist and Tantra Teacher.
”I am extremely passionate about my work as a tantric facilitator and I’m always experimenting with new ways to merge the knowledge and experience from my past 10 years on this path. I use tools & techniques from classical & neo tantra, neuro science & psychology, embodiment work, somatic trauma healing, breath & sound liberation as well as shamanism & ritualistic mysticism. I never stop getting fascinated of how all these different fields merge so well together. Together they create a super highway to transformation, expansion and liberation for us as human beings.
In my personal story one of the biggest milestones was my divorce from the father of my children in 2016. With that separation followed big insights about my own unhealthy relationship patterns, unsustainable and chaotic lifestyle, constant new life crises that led to severe burnout, anxiety, trauma – painful and profound and important realizations - and eventually total rebirth.
It's incredible how all my pain, numbness, blood, sweat, tears & laughter, trainings & therapy, curiosity & patience, processes, learnings, courses, retreats and books have taught me so much about life in a human body.
This INFINITE potential for pleasure & juicyness, self-healing and magical liberation that we hold within our bodies & nervous systems never stops fascinating me!
I am also passionate about the magic that arises when we become aware of our unconscious patterns and conditioning – and from there can start to create a new sense of acceptance for ourselves. When we have access to the right support, tools and guidance - we will be able to transform whatever life area we focus on. Peel off the layers that blocks us from being our wholest, truest, juiciest and most powerful selves.
I feel incredibly proud & fortunate to have the honor of guiding & inspiring so many people with my knowledge, experience & enthusiasm on this path!
I have a long background as an opera- & classical singer, actor, communication lecturer, childbirth educator & doula. Through my various professions & roles, I have always had great curiosity & fascination for the human body & brain - and our strong capacity for everything from total self-sabotage, to healing, bliss & ecstasy.
I see myself as an eternal student in the school of life and I never get tired of exploring the enormous life force we possess and can access through breath, movement, sound, meditation, mindfulness, relaxation, co-regulation & conscious touch, verbal & nonverbal communication.”
Robin Miroglio
Tantra Therapist, Entrepreneur & HVAC Engineer
Robin has been on the spiritual, self-development path for almost 10 years, whereof the last 3 years together with his beloved Maria, diving deep into couples tantra. He’s also very keen on diving into his existential adventure by himself (as the caveman he is…) with a big need for space, freedom and autonomy.
Robin is an exceptionally skilled tantra masseur & therapist - a magician with his hands, playfulness and sensuality.
You will find in him a stable, safe & kind man with an incredibly strong presence. At the same time he is a wonderfully humoristic, curious, playful & courageous person that never misses a chance for adventure!
Robin has a lot of experience & expertise in supporting healing processes & holding a safe space for people in whatever way needed in the moment. He also assists Maria (who is the main teacher & course leader) with all sorts of practical & technical tasks, and is on hand for you as a participant as an extra resource whenever you need emotional or practical support.
As life partners we are…..
“…both extremely passionate about our work, and we're always experimenting with new ways to merge the knowledge and experience from our many years on this path, both individually and as a couple.
Me, Maria, I’m a theory nerd who likes to talk and explain quite a lot, and I usually get to hear that I’m so beautifully completed by the less talkative Robin, who instead loves to listen & hold space but also to take action & be practical. Together we create a union from where usually can reach and understand most people with our teachings, philosophy and therapy.
As a couple we're passionate about the magic of transparency and vulnerability, always sharing our deepest fears and longings with each other.
We also have a strong transmission of not taking ourselves too seriously, and the importance of seeing our triggers & trauma-bonding as possibilities & portals for healing & expansion - both individually & together.
And last but not least – we will teach you how you can use YOUR connection, love and chemistry to integrate, transform & create miracles.”